“从品牌的角度来看,这一切都是为了方便使用. 极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务不应该是复杂的——它应该是令人愉快和容易理解的. And what makes Starry special is that 我们考虑的是企业各个层面的轻松度. 这是我们品牌最强大的部分之一.”   -Jane Huschka, VP of Brand & Creative

Building and establishing a new brand–in an industry sector largely controlled by near-monopoly incumbents–can be an exciting, yet challenging endeavor. Revitalizing an existing brand that’s caught in the middle of a Supreme Court case is something else entirely.

Starry的品牌和创意副总裁Jane Huschka就做到了这两点. Huschka is part of the team that co-founded Starry after Aereo (Starry’s spiritual predecessor) had its over-the-top streaming TV service unceremoniously shuttered by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2014. 作为Aereo的首席品牌设计师, she was tasked with evolving the company’s look and feel at a time when the burgeoning service was facing an existential legal threat.

“在一切崩溃前一年,我来到了Aereo,” said Huschka, 谁在工作六年后加入了这家公司 RED Partners这是一家位于纽约的品牌代理公司. “We operated the business with the firm belief that everything would make its way through the courts and that we were ultimately going to be successful. 然后突然间,我们从每小时100英里的速度完全停了下来.”

Aereo团队花了几个月的时间来消化公司过快的结局, 尽管几乎立刻就开始了可能的下一个篇章. 当Aereo的门关上的时候,” Huschka remembers, “I went home, set-up my computer, and began working on the earliest pitch decks for Starry–but this was before it was even called ‘Starry.当时我们还在为下一家公司的名字集思广益.”

Post-Aereo, the Starry Founding Team had one major realization – the telecommunication landscape desperately needed an ISP that was willing to put the customer experience at the forefront in every way. This customer-first focus, combined with the overarching belief that broadband internet should be accessible and affordable for everyone, 会成为他们下一步发展的北极星吗. It was an innovative concept, 但是没有正确的品牌, this still-to-be-named company would have trouble finding its footing against the established goliaths in the broadband industry.

“一个‘品牌’的关键在于,它需要一支大军来打造,”胡奇卡说. “It’s not just about colors and shapes or words; it's the actions of the company that make it work.” And the actions of this new company needed to be completely different from anything that came before. The Founding Team was determined to deliver a superior broadband experience from top to bottom—faster speeds, better customer care, no contracts, no data caps, all at a super affordable price—and the branding for this new company would need to reflect that mission. 很少有创新能像极速赛车正规官网开奖网址一样改变人们的生活, and capturing that transformative essence would be key to developing the company’s look and feel.


大家都说,创作《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》的过程是一个传奇. Turns out, coming up with the right name for a new tech company can be as difficult as mastering the advanced technology behind its concept.

“我们知道这个想法是雄心勃勃的. That our wireless tech coupled with a superior experience would be critical to our success. 所以我们想要抓住这一切:无线、创新、乐观、轻松. To create a name that felt like an empty vessel that we could fill with meaning as the company and our products evolved,” Huschka said. “所以我们开始尝试给自己命名, and everyone was coming up with names; I was coming up with names, Alex was naming, 甚至在某种程度上,工程师们想出了名字. 我们花了几个月的时间来完成这个活动, 把想法钉在WeWork的墙上, highlighting the best ones. 但从来没有达成任何共识,有人(通常是法律)总是说“不”.’”

这个过程拖了好几个月,直到胡奇卡建议引进 Anthony Shore, a naming expert known for coming up with the right one-word selling points for companies. 肖尔又提供了100个名字供团队考虑, including Starry, which stood out for its feel and unique connection to the technical innovation that underlies the company.

“我们选择星空是因为它是积极的,明亮的,像我们的技术一样空灵. 世界上没有人会对星空有负面的看法,”Huschka说. “It’s ambitious in a way. 这就成为了我们的名字,从那时起,我们开始发展我们的视觉形象.”

现在有了一个合适的名字,一切都开始走到一起. Huschka and her team developed a color palette to accentuate the positivity the name Starry evoked, with optimistic, 明亮的颜色创造了类似黄昏和黎明时天空的渐变.

公司标志的早期迭代也开始成形. Logos, in the best of times, are always a challenge, but the fact that Starry could be literally translated to a shape meant the team looked at a LOT of bad logos. “At one point, an agency we worked with sent us a book of hundreds of logos that ALL used stars. It was too much,” said Huschka. “第二天,我们见到了设计师James Spindler.斯平德勒想出了简单的正确组合, 圆滑和永恒的公司的第一个标志, 为了纪念该公司的第一款WiFi路由器,它使用了三角形.

“星空车站是标志性的,”Huschka说. “At the time, we wondered if it was a bad idea to create a logo that looked like our first product knowing that our routers probably wouldn’t look that way forever. 但这个标记本身是如此优雅和复杂, 随着三角形的运动,几乎感觉像是有什么东西聚集在一起. It really captured the feel of our technology and the simplicity of everything we try to do.”

最后到位的是星空的标语“极速赛车正规官网开奖网址快乐”.” Which was developed by freelance writer Dan Morales who was working with the company around the time it officially launched. 这个想法是为了捕捉整个星空体验, while coming up with a turn of phrase that could fit anyone’s definition of what a positive internet service experience should be.

For Huschka, “Happy Interneting” is not just a company tagline: it's an entire brand platform.

“我们所做的一切创意都源于这个想法, 哪些极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务更值得购买, better to set-up, 不如去体验感觉? “快乐极速赛车正规官网开奖网址”是我们对此的表述. It’s our sign off” she said. “With Aereo, the way we used to have to describe our service was always convoluted and had a lot of legal restrictions. 有了星空,你会爱上它的极速赛车正规官网开奖网址服务. That’s it. It’s simple. And with brands, 这些都是关于创造难忘的经历和共享的意义, the simpler the message, the better. 这就是我们推出这项服务的原因, 我们从当时看来很新奇的一个简单计划开始.”

By eliminating the bundles, contracts, hidden fees and added taxes, Starry给潜在客户留下的只有好东西:闪电般的速度, incredibly reliable, awesome internet service. 星空极速赛车正规官网开奖网址的清晰和便捷立即引起了消费者的共鸣, 并继续成为公司的商标.

“The thing that we really strive to do–and I think a lot of competitors are starting to take notice–is go out of our way to make things clear,” Huschka said. “We don’t use jargon. 我们不会卖给人们他们不需要的东西. We want to make sure our customers have the information they need to make the choices that are right for them. 我们想让他们觉得他们加入了我们的旅程.”

But breaking through to new customers in a world dominated by unpopular ISPs presents its own set of challenges. 除了提供卓越的服务, the Starry team was also tasked with undoing years of customer mistreatment by the larger incumbents, 谁总是不能满足顾客的需求,却不断提高价格, 通常很少甚至没有透明度.

“人们对这一类别的期望是最低的. The incumbent ISPs have mistreated people for so long that it sometimes just sounds too good to be true to the consumer, 这对我们的品牌来说是个挑战,” Huschka said. “但我们提供的东西并不是好得令人难以置信——它是真实的. So you have to always be able to back that up every step of the way, which is easy when your Trustpilot score is 4.4. We have so many quotes from our customers saying they finally love their internet service thanks to us, and that’s so gratifying.”

“从品牌的角度来看,这一切都是为了方便使用. Your internet service shouldn’t be complicated–it should be delightful and easy to understand. For the Starry team, 我们考虑的是企业各个层面的轻松度, 这是我们品牌最强大的部分之一.”  

对Starry来说,以客户为中心和简单是强有力的组合拳. The brand’s ability to look and feel completely different from any of its competitors has allowed the company to carve out a significant market share in a short amount of time, 它每天都在增长. 随着公司的发展,品牌也在不断发展, 哈什卡指出,这些年来,哪个品牌变得更加自信和大胆, 同时,公司的使命仍然很注重易用性和人性化.

“我们肯定已经从最初的地方进化了. 我们仍然聪明和成熟,即使我们有更多的乐趣. We don’t just want to say we’re ‘customer first,’ we want people to feel it and connect with it.”  

